Erectile Dysfunction

Do you suffer from

Erectile Dysfunction

Does it affect your life in a significant manner?
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Call or Text Us at: 702.616.9471

“Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT)
may create a new standard of care for men with vasculogenic ED.”

– Therapeutic Advances in Urology
Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) is a novel modality that has recently been developed for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Unlike other current treatment options for ED, all of which are palliative in nature, LI-ESWT is unique in that it aims to restore the erectile mechanism in order to

enable natural or spontaneous erection.

Erectile Dysfunction Package 1

Penile Ultra-Shock Therapy includes:

  • Initial Visit
  • 6 Treatments of
    Penile Ultra-Shock Treatments
    1. – 1 Week Treatment
      (6 – 15 Minute Sessions)
      – Painless


Erectile Dysfunction Package 2

Penile Ultra-Shock Therapy includes:

  • Initial Visit
  • Blood Work
  • Follow Up Visit
  • 6 Treatments of
    Penile Ultra-Shock Treatments
    1. – 1 Week Treatment
      (6 – 15 Minute Sessions)
      – Painless


Results as quickly as 1 week after treatment!

There is help.

Hear more about LI-ESWT treatment from Dr. Ram

Ready to get started?

Call or Text Us at: 702.616.9471
The number one cause of Erectile Dysfunction is vascular. The vessel walls of the spongy tissue in the penis must engorge with blood to create an erection. If there are issues with these vessels then erections are hampered. The Vascular causes could be from chronic problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or Diabetes or other blood sugar issues. Furthermore, hormonal deficiencies such as low testosterone can hamper erections.

This program aims to explore them all and treat the vasculature mechanically with the therapy for Erectile Dysfunction.

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